Monday, May 18, 2015

Sister Spotlight: Anne Esposito

The Relief Society Welcoming Committee would like to introduce another sister that has moved into our ward just recently… Sister Anne Esposito.  Anne (pronounced Annie) was born in Queens, Brooklyn, New York.  She has one brother and one sister and is the middle child. She moved to Utah seven years ago to be closer to her children. She has two sons and one daughter, Natalie who is living with her and is the Laurel president in our ward.  She has three grandchildren, a 5 year old, 3 year old, and a 9 month old. How fortunate she is to have all her children living around her in Utah.  

Anne is a convert to the church.  She was introduced to the gospel at the age of 14 years old when her older sister was baptized. Later, when visited by sister missionaries, she was baptized at the age of 22. Her mom and dad both passed away last year and Anne was able to do her mom’s temple work and is now working on her dad’s work.  Anne attended a college in Saddle Back, California and graduated with a degree in biology in nursing. She works at the Salt Lake City Behavioral Health clinic as a registered nurse which keeps her very busy. In visiting with her we realized how much Anne likes helping people. 

Anne is now divorced, but during her early married years she and her husband traveled to Italy, France, Amsterdam, Australia and many other places because of his work and then they took a cruise in the Mediterranean to Turkey, Greece, and Italy.  Her hobbies are reading and traveling. It was
​difficult for her to say which foods she enjoys (she mentioned Indian, Asian, and African food).  Since she was born and raised in the “melting pot” of New York City she enjoys all foods.  Her favorite callings were teaching in Relief Society, working with the young women, and teaching cub scouts. Her goal for the future is going back to school to receive her Masters degree in nursing and to get her daughter Natalie off on her mission.

How enjoyable it was to visit with Anne and to get to know her better. We are fortunate to have her and her daughter, Natalie, in our ward and excited to get to know them even better!

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