Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sister Spotlight: Rachel Howells

Rachel Howells and her cute family moved into our ward in May. Her journey to our neck of the woods is full of lots of awesome stops along the way and here are a few:

She’s the fourth of nine children and was raised in upstate New York. She earned money for her mission as an au pair (nanny) in Germany and, a year later, was called to serve the people of Argentina. After her mission, Rachel attended Brigham Young University in Provo and that’s where she met her husband, Dan, who was a student at the University of Utah. His cousins were friends of Rachel’s and he would often hang out with them. Soon after they were married, they moved to Oregon where Dan attended optometry school and Rachel became a mommy. They lived in Idaho while Dan interned at an Indian Reservation and Rachel finished her bachelor’s degree and had another baby. When Dan became an optometrist for a pediatric neuro ophthalmologist in New York, the family moved to a 100 acre farm where they mastered the art of growing all sorts of vegetables and herbs. They had six children, five boys and one girl, by the time they moved to Utah. 

Dr. Dan is our local optometrist and owns Cornerstone Vision (by Kneaders) and Rachel homeschools her darling children. The family loves to hike, bike, camp, rock climb, and anything else that involves the outdoors. The kids also participate in theater and were just in the Riverton Arts Council’s production of Alice in Wonderland. Rachel helped build the awesome sets. She also enjoys reading and the occasional well-deserved nap. We love having the Howells in our ward and are excited to get to know them even better!

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